Car Boot Sale
Our second Car Boot Sale at the Recreation Ground.
Sellers – Please read the rules below. Seller fee is £5 per car, cash only, made payable upon Entry.
Access via Wilderness Lane only
- No need to book – Just arrive and pay on gate
- Sellers to arrive promptly between 9am – 10am, but must be ready to sell for 10am. Any sellers who arrive after 10am will not be permitted in.
- Sellers to leave the site between 1pm & 2pm
- Sellers are not permitted to sell Food & Drink
- Toilets are located within the Leisure Centre
- Sellers are not permitted to sell Tobacco, Alcohol, Counterfeit goods, Offensive weapons or Age Restricted goods
- Weather – We ensure that every effort is given to open the Car Boot, however, we will be keeping a close eye on the weather leading up to the day. In case of severe rain/winds etc, we will announce on here and on our socials on FRIDAY 12th JULY at MIDDAY whether the Car Boot sale will go ahead.
- Dogs are allowed on site, however, must be kept on a lead at all times and any dog mess must be cleared up and disposed of (not disposed of on Car boot site)