The memorial commemorates the men of World War 1 and World War 2. The memorial stands within a small garden. There is an additional plaque to a soldier from an earlier conflict.

An Italianate clock tower that overlooks the Market Place, Harleston. It is a significant landmark structure in the town dating from 1873 by H. H. Collins. Built on the site of the former parish church of St John, thought to have dated to the 15th century.

The church was built in the 1870s to replace a ruinous medieval church on the market place. That had been built as a chapel of ease to mighty Redenhall, and the modern church still has the feel of a chapel, built by diocesan architect Richard Phipson, most famous for the interior of Norwich St Peter Mancroft and the complete rebuilding of Ipswich St Mary le Tower.

Harleston Information Plus Charity is a registered charity run by a voluntary management board made up of people who all live in the local area.
Harleston Information Plus has a 20 year proven track record of working with local people to provide successful projects, support and services to the community.
Registered office 8 Exchange Street, Harleston, Norfolk, IP20 9AB. Charity no 1146735.
Website; harleston-norfolk.org.uk

The Museum displays artefacts relating to the life and times of the people of Harleston and the immediate surrounding parishes from pre-historic times to the present day. Items on display illustrate personal and domestic life, working life, costume, recreation, entertainment and the built environment of the town. Run by the Harleston and District Historical Society, this compact museum is staffed by local volunteers. There is no entry fee, but donations are appreciated.
For more information about Harleston Museum please click HERE